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Angel Policy

At Inky Antics, we want you to be able to use our products to create incredible items for your own use and for resale, but we do have a few restrictions to protect us and our art. All of our stamp designs and stencils are original artwork owned and copyrighted by Inky Antics and respective artists and are protected under United States and international copyright laws and treaties.

Reproduction of any portion of our catalog or website without prior written permission is strictly prohibited. No Inky Antics image may be mechanically reproduced or copied by any means including, but not limited to, photocopying, computer scanning and printing, using overhead or opaque projectors for enlarging or hand-copying images, or any other means.

Through our Angel Policy, we grant permission in the form of a limited license to use Inky Antics images to create artwork and crafts that can be sold under the following terms and conditions:

  • Each project must individually hand stamped and may not be reproduced or copied using any means other than hand stamping. This includes photocopying, printing, tracing, scanning, etc. Mass production and use of paid workers is not allowed.
  • You may not copy or rent our products. Our stamps and stencils are for your personal use only.
  • Inky Antics images may not be used for logos, trademarks or promotional materials.
  • To help protect Inky Antics copyrights, we ask you to display the respective trademarks and copyright notices on each item that you are selling, whenever possible. If you are showing images of your projects for sale online, you must clearly state that the stamped images are copyright of Inky Antics.
  • Anyone selling stamped art assume all liability for their work and agree to indemnify Inky Antics and its artist(s) from disputes arising from their work.